Beren (beren_writes) wrote,

Thank you to everyone who sent me birthday wishes...

... I had an absolutely wonderful day yesterday.

I now have Marvel Pop Loki guarding my desk, so beware any who would try and hack my PC ;), I am drinking out of a Loki mug and I have two Loki t-shirts - all thanks to my darling husband. He knows me so well and is so lovely about my little obsessions.

Had lots of other lovely pressies as well, but I won't bore you by listing them. I do have a new book to read though, that my darling twin gave me - Nightflyers by George R.R. Martin. Now I wouldn't usually touch Mr Martin with a barge pole because he likes to kill all the characters all the time, but I love the film that was based on this novella. I hope they finally release it on DVD now that Mr Martin is an household name to just about everyone, but I doubt it. It's king of terrible 80s scifi, but I love it.

Went out to a fab restaurant courtesy of the parental units and had lovely Italian food last night. Ate far too much and am still completely not in need of food this morning :).

Taking Rob to the hospital later to have a minor op on his eyes - hopefully this time the hospital will actually do it. His last appointment for the same procedure was at a hospital where they didn't actually perform that op. We were not overly pleased as you can imagine, especially since we sat there waiting for over an hour and a half.

I feel guilty now, so many people wished me Happy Birthday and I stopped doing it earlier in the year because I thought no one was really doing that much any more. Hence I shall start doing it again in the New Year. I shall make a post about it later so I can update my list *hugs*.
Tags: info: birthdays

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