Beren (beren_writes) wrote,

Drabble Cascade #25 - COMPETITION

To celebrate reaching 25 weeks of wonderful creativity from our drabblers, this week, we are offering a
CHANCE TO WIN a $25* Amazon Voucher!

The competition runs all week from 27th Aug to midnight (BST) on 2nd Sept.

Our prompt word for this week is 'time'.

To enter the draw to win the voucher:

  • join in the cascade by writing a piece inspired by the prompt word (100 word drabble or flash fiction up to approx 500 words - fanfic or original fic are welcome) and post wherever you want to

  • add the link to your post to the list at the bottom of this announcement

  • link back to the cascade by embedding the list in your post (use the chain graphic on the list to get the code to embed the list). (for those on DW and LJ, the full list won't show, but a link to it will - the code adapts automatically as you will see at the bottom of this post)

The winner will be drawn and announced in next week's cascade on 3rd Sept.

*or equivalent value from the Amazon site of your choice

The main post about the competition is here.

This entry was originally posted at
Tags: info: wittegen press, info: writing, type: competition

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