- Thu, 15:25: Follow the great charity @MichaelJFoxOrg to enter to win 1 Agent Coulson Hot Toys Action Figure! #coulsongiveaway http://t.co/uMxF5yEzhJ
- Thu, 16:44: So unfair - how can they ask me to choose between sterek (TW) and drarry (HP) !!!! http://t.co/OaeAJiluH0
- Thu, 16:44: RT @HiddlesArmy: New THOR: THE DARK WORLD poster! http://t.co/EPfWLitgIa
- Thu, 16:48: RT @thefourthvine: This tumblr has autoplay music and a hideous custom pointer and a tiled background oh god is this geocities is it 1999 W…
- Thu, 17:08: Ooh, I loathe when recipes use brands and I have no idea what they are.
- Fri, 09:41: Feedback from hubby on one of my chapters - 'make more epic'. Righty-ho :D *cracks knuckles*
- Fri, 10:16: Ooh thunder ... now if Thor would just visit, he can bring his brother too ;)
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Mon, 10:39: RT @ lazyjunebug: thank you fall out boy for providing us with at least another 5 years of fanfic titles
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Wed, 10:35: RT @ maatdraws: "But even as it fell it swung its whip, and the thongs lashed and curled about the wizard’s knees, dragging him to…
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Tue, 09:56: @ ParamountUK Hello, I have a blu-ray box set of Mission Impossible the Original Series. It seems to have 1 wonky disc out of the…
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