Beren (beren_writes) wrote,

I have flu :(

I seem to have flu or a nasty cold, so I'm at home today. I think I shall be crawling back into bed in a moment, but I had to check on the troll.

The list of users has been removed from the troll's original post so the Abuse Team consider the matter closed. I don't, and I told them so. The information is gone, but it was up for two days and the troll is threatening to keep popping into the e-lives of those on the list. I told LJ that until the journal is dead I do not consider this matter closed.

Someone should not be able to pop into existence with a list that appeared on an LJ the day before (in what looked like a grudge move against another LJ user), accuse the whole list of kiddie porn and just get away with it. It's plain wrong. So I told them how disappointed I was in their response to the problem.

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