Beren (beren_writes) wrote,

FB3X Drabble Cascade #3 - Basilisk (HP, Harry/Draco, PG)

We have made it to week 3 of the FB3X Drabble Cascade. Anyone can join in, all you need is a drabble of 100 words and it can be fanfic, original fic or meta. Our prompt word this week is stone.

Title: Basilisk
Author: Beren
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: PG
Pairing: Harry/Draco

Everywhere he looked people were turning to stone. He begged for help, but their skin went grey and their eyes froze over and they became cold, hard rock. Then he saw a flash of white blond hair and automatically turned. Draco smiled as their eyes met before that sensuous mouth became nothing more than granite.

"No," Harry screamed and sat up in bed, skin damp with sweat, trembling.

"Hey," Draco's gentle voice coaxed him from the nightmare, "it was a dream. I'm here."

"Basilisk," was all Harry had to whisper and strong arms pulled him close into a warm embrace.

This is a link to the list of participants. On those sites that allow script is shows the list, on LJ etc, it just has a link to the list.

Tags: fandom: harry potter, fictype: drabble, info: drabble cascade, pairing: hp - harry/draco, rating: g to pg13

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