Happy Birthday to:
bassician, girlfrom711, crazyrodent, misskittye, velvetdiamond for the 22nd
mirokuslady, sparemint for the 23rd
noneeca, cherrycigars, kiakaha, stitchy for the 24th
klo_the_hobbit, mandragora1/mandragora, matrix_hack for the 25th
sm_malfoys, meaikoh, jellypencil, peachdancer82 for the 26th
starr_falling for the 27th
separatrix, ihlanya, litian
xyverz, krichardson/krichardson, meeshy
phenix_tears, chriseis for the 30th
mhalachaiswords, snugglemint for the 31st
kaylafic for the 1st
shikishi, kittyfisher for the 2nd
demi_de_melee/demi_de_melee, amythystluna for the 3rd
Many Happy Returns of the day to you all.
This entry was originally posted at http://beren-writes.dreamwidth.org/231053.html.