Beren (beren_writes) wrote,

Okay, so I'm updating my birthdays and posting them over here as well ...

Since some people are moving, I feel it is time to update the birthdays and do them on DW as well. I only have names for LJ, so all these are LJ links, but if you have moved over to DW, please LMK in a comment there/here and I will update my records accordingly. Please indicate who you were on LJ in the comment as well if it has changed.

If we are new friends on LJ or DW, please also drop me a line so I know to add you, thanks *hugs*

I am so sorry for being late this week - I totally forgot, what with the bank holidays etc.

Happy Birthday to:
feygan, sdkshelly and venivincere for the 2nd,
cocohufflepuffs, skytheuplight, colored_image and crestoinnocence for the 3rd,
beldarancara and mentarossa for the 4th,
allotheralt and dark_squall for the 5th,
skyeisfalling, zeenell, ladyclio16 and zeenell for today,
ridicu_liz and the lovely sarahsan for tomorrow and
darcellie for the 8th

This entry was originally posted at
Tags: info: birthdays

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