Beren (beren_writes) wrote,

So, have been AFK most of the day ...

I did get up to 4.5K on the first help_nz fic I'm writing, but then Soph rang to LMK that my aunt had died.

She'd been committed and in hospital with vascular dementia for some time, so it wasn't a shock, we've been waiting for it to happen, but I jumped in the car and went to make sure my mummy was okay. My aunt was her twin and although they haven't been close for many years my mum has still had to deal with it all. My cousin lives in France, so my mum has been listed as next of kin and had to deal with all the case meetings at the hospital and such.

As I found out they called at 1am to say they were thinking of moving my aunt to the A&E, but then again at 4am to say come in. They hadn't moved her because she was too far gone and they'd put her favourite wrap around her and had someone sitting with her. My mum and Soph were there with her from just after 4 until 8:50 when she died and they sang to her and read to her from the Barchester Chronicles, which was her favourite, so she was not alone. A dignified and peaceful end, which considering what she has been like with the dementia, was a very good conclusion.

We had a lunch arranged for today for my uncle (one of my mum's other sister's husband) who was 90 recently, which I think was a good thing. We all went to the pub, had a good meal and a drink, toasted Jen and had a good time. Quite a good way to send her off I think. I've just had to take an aspirin because I drank a little too much wine (had to keep my mummy company and lots of the others were driving), but my headache is in a good cause.

Here's to Jennifer Poile, may the angels welcome her home.
Tags: info: general

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