Beren (beren_writes) wrote,

First sit down today ...

Today is baking day to get ready for the Flower Festival. So far I have made 32 chewy choc cookies (gluten, dairy and nut free :)) and the first pound cake is in the oven (the only thing it doesn't have is nuts :)).

Had to go with Soph and drop her car off to have the air con fixed first thing this morning and then went shopping for stuff and then immediately started baking.

I have another pound cake and some cheese scones to do, and both pound cakes will need icing. One is going to be caramel and the other chocolate ganache.

I think perhaps I should eat something now :)

[Edit: second pound cake is now baking away and the recipe for the cookies is in the comments if anyone wants it :)]
Tags: info: general, type: recipe

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