Beren (beren_writes) wrote,


I was in work at 6:25 this morning! That's unholy. We had to put the car in for it's service and Rob then took his trike to work so he had to drop me off really early. Had a wonderful case of 80s hair this mornign because I showered last night to save time and went to bed with slightly damp hair. Who needs gel with that combination? ;) Have had to resort to a ponytail.

I want my copy of Toyz ... Soph has it, it arrived yesterday, but I didn't know until too late to go pick it up. I have everything delivered to my parent's house because there is always someone in. Soph is bringing it to me today when she picks me up.

Finished my WK fic for the connotations zine last night (only nearly 4 weeks late!). Just waiting for Soph to finish the beta. Now time to finish my TH FQF fic :).
Tags: info: general

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