Beren (beren_writes) wrote,

Birthdays :)

Happy Birthday to:
redbitez and queixo for today,
the_gwyllion, prozacnation, prozacnation and firredheadedelf for tomorrow,
kimra_dattei, meninaiscrazy and titacats for the 11th,
calanor, kitsune, nevcolleil and bishieobsessed for the 12th,
bogan for the 13th and
demonesskage for the 14th

Many Happy Returns to you all.

I update my birthday list from LJ at the beginning of the month we are in, so if you joined my flist after the beginning of the month or for some reason you birthday doesn't show up on the list, I'm very sorry if I missed you. If you are missing and you would like to comment I will add you.
Tags: info: birthdays

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