These are the fics that don't have enough and may never have enough fics for their own entry :)
Title/Link | AO3 | Pairing(s)/Character(s) | Rating | Wd Count | Date Pub |
Fandom: Being Human | |||||
The Beasts in All of Us | or on AO3 | Annie (solo), George/Mitchell | nc17/18 | 1,767 | 06-May-08 |
Summary: | Annie is discovering that being a ghost is not so bad. (written for MMOM 08) | ||||
Fandom:Bagpus | |||||
The Tongue | or on AO3 | Gabriel/Madeleine | R | 692 | 09-May-08 |
Summary: | Madeleine might be made out of cloth, but she is still a woman. (written for MMOM 08) | ||||
Fandom:Blake's 7 | |||||
Algorithm | or on AO3 | Avon | NC17/18 | 1,184 | 28-May-08 |
Summary: | After the events of Sarcophagus, Avon needs to relax, even if he is on watch. (written for MMOM 08) | ||||
MMOM10 - Day 17 - Seed of Change | Cally/Avon | R | 3,086 | 17-May-10 | |
Summary: | Avon is lost on a wild world where the inhabitants are primitive and have unusual, dangerous abilities. Cally is the only one who can bring him back after he is bitten by one of the natives. | ||||
Fandom:Doctor Who | |||||
Down the Rabbit Hole | or on AO3 | HP/DM, Rose/Doctor/Jack | NC17/18 | 10,226 | 07-Feb-06 |
Summary: | Harry Potter/Doctor Who: Transdimensional portals can be really tricky little buggers. | ||||
Fandom:Morph | |||||
The Joys of Plasticine | or on AO3 | Morph/Chaz | R | 707 | 22-May-08 |
Summary: | Morph may look like a sexless blob of clay, but many things lurk under the surface. (written for MMOM 08) | ||||
Fandom:Mutant X | |||||
Sum of the Individual Parts | or on AO3 | Shalimar/Brennan, Shalimar/Jesse/Brennan | NC17/18 | 42,360 | 29-Jan-09 |
Summary: | The team think Jesse is dead; killed by a fatal shot to the back, only there are things going on they could not possibly have predicted. Jesse isn't dead, but is he really Jesse any more? | ||||
Fandom:Poltergeist: The Legacy | |||||
Running the Wrong Way | or on AO3 | Philip/Nick | PG13 | 1,183 | 21-Jan-09 |
Summary: | Philip realises the mistake he made a long time ago. | ||||
Love or Lust? | or on AO3 | Nick Boyle/Philip Callahan | NA17/18 | 3117 | 26-May-2012 |
Summary: | When Nick is taken by a vampire, Philip is willing to give his life to try and save him. | ||||
Fandom:Scooby Doo | |||||
Dogs | or on AO3 | none | R | 753 | 19-May-08 |
Summary: | Just occasionally, Shaggy is reminded that Scooby is a dog. (written for MMOM 08) | ||||
Fandom:Star Wars | |||||
Hand Solo | or on AO3 | Han/Luke/Leia | NC17/18 | 1,566 | 04-May-08 |
Summary: | Han knows he has the best relationship in the galaxy and he likes to celebrate it in private. (written for MMOM 08) | ||||
Fandom:The Lair | |||||
Second Time Around | or on AO3 | Too many to count | NC17/18 | 24,349 | Date |
Summary: | Thom wakes up a somewhat different person after the events in the Lair when the Sheriff and Jonathan attempted to stage a rescue. The first thing he has to do is sort out the mess his presence has managed to cause. | ||||
Fandom:Torchwood | |||||
More Things In This World | or on AO3 | Bill/Tom, Jack/Ianto, Bill/Tom/Jack/Ianto | NC17/18 | 27-Aug-07 | |
Summary: | Tokio HotelRPS/Torchwood: Promoting the band means travelling all over the UK and Tokio Hotel have ended up in Cardiff for a TV interview and some signings. Thanks to the effects of a rogue alien device they run into Torchwood. | ||||
Fandom:Tremors | |||||
Tentacles are Wuv | or on AO3 | Tyler/El Blanco | NC17/18 | 1,364 | 19-Jan-09 |
Summary: | Tyler ends up in a rather strange position, and why exactly isn't El Blanco eating him? | ||||
Fandom:Masters of the Universe | |||||
Release | or on AO3 | He-Man/Kevin | R | 2,154 | 20-May-09 |
Summary: | Battle has an effect on people that Kevin is discovering while they all recover from the confrontation with Skeletor before returning home. | ||||
Fandom:Eurovision 2009 RPS | |||||
Fairytale | or on AO3 | Alexander (Norway)/ Sakis (Greece) | R | 1,575 | 22-May-09 |
Summary: | Alexander has made a new friend, one who has very nice muscles. | ||||
Fandom:Blade Trinity | |||||
End or Beginning | or on AO3 | Abby/Hannibal | PG | 1326 | 10-Jan-2012 |
Summary: | Daystar is a biological weapon and weapons like that tend to have unseen effects. King is dying and Abby does not want that to happen. | ||||
Christmas Night | or on AO3 | Hanibal/Drake | PG13 | 1078 | 10-Jan-2012 |
Summary: | King gets an unexpected visitor, one he was pretty sure was dead. | - All my original books. – Writer for Hire
Customised original short stories: when you feel the need for something special.