Beren (beren_writes) wrote,

Y'know what ...

... I think I need the weekend off this week.

We're working long hours and Saturdays at work at the moment because we have a project deadline at the end of the month, but I really think I'm going to have to say no to this Sat. I simply need a break, and Sundays just aren't one because there are always things to do with church etc; Sat is my only day when I can do excatly what I want when I want.

I realised I needed a break last night. We all went out to dinner last night to Blubeckers; me, Rob, my sis, my parents and a friend. Rob and I went there before and it was wonderful and Soph had this voucher that was a sealed envelope that would get us 25%, 50% or 100% off the meal that had to be used by the end of the month.

My starter was lovely; a mini rack of spare ribs, but it went down hill from there. I had the mushroom and goat's cheese "burger". First of all I asked for it without the tomato salsa, because I don't like tomato salsa; guess what they put on it. So it went back. Then it came again, looked great and huge; but they'd done it too quickly and the middle of the mushrooms were cold. It went back again. The idiots only mircowaved it with the goat's cheese on it!. Know what happens to soft goat's chees when you microwave it? The outside goes like leather, and the middle separates into liquid and powder! So that was sent back and I had no main course.

Then came desert. Now they do a dessert called Brownies and Baileys and it's two chocolate brownies, with Bailey's cream and dark chocolate ice cream. Last time I had it and it was the most magnificent dessert I have ever had. This time they'd curdled the Bailey's cream! How do you not know when you've done something like that. It's not supposed to have lumps in it!!!!

Well normally I would have laughed it all off and just decided never to go there again, but I got home and promptly burst into tears all over my poor husband. The fact that the meal was crap had really upset me. It was at this point that I got the inkling that possibly I need to not work this weekend because clearly I have no perspective. I think I can blame it a little on hormones at the moment as well, but it's never usually this bad.

I am now going to eat a bar of chocolate and watch Tokio Hotel TV again, because that made me laugh.
Tags: info: general

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