Beren (beren_writes) wrote,

Georg's Birthday FQF

Over on th_fanfic we're having a
Birthday FQF for Georg.

It's in the form of a prompt grab and the deadline is the 28th March 2008.

The full rules and a list of all the prompts are here - so if you're in the mood to write some TH fic, do toddle on over and grab a prompt :).

If you're wondering what a FQF is - it's simply an anonymous fanfic writing fest where all the entries will be posted on the comm from 31st March and on subsequent days until they are all done. Once they are all up and everyone has had a chance to read (and possibly after a little author guessing) we will post a reveal and then the fics may be posted where ever you like.

[edit: remember you have to be a memember to see the NC17 posts, go here and follow the instructions if you would like to join]
Tags: fandom: tokio hotel

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