Beren (beren_writes) wrote,

New Tokio Hotel UK Promotion Project

Kerrang!, an incredibly popular UK rock mag, is having a reader's poll. The winners of the poll will be featured in their December issue and we would like to see TH in there.

We're late to the fight and several thousand votes behind so let's get voting - you can vote and then just click the back button and vote again straight away. Thanks.

Click here to go to the voting page

There are many many categories, but the suggested plan is that you at least vote for TH in the following two:

Best New Band
Best Band

Kerrang were not overly fond of the UK gig so it would be really brilliant to show them how many fans are out here and that we would like to see lots of Tokio Hotel articles in their mag.

Thank you for voting.

Source: Official UK Street Team
Tags: fandom: tokio hotel

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