Beren (beren_writes) wrote,

Fic: Be Like You 02/02, Bill/Gustav, NC17/18

Title: Be Like You (Das Geschenk (The Gift) Series II) 02/02
Link: To Part 01/02
Series: Das Geschenk (The Gift) Series - section listing
Author: Beren
Fandom: Tokio Hotel / Jrock RPS (mentioned)
Pairing: Bill/Gustav, Bill/Gackt (mentioned)
Rating: NC-17/18 for sex and language
Warnings: vampires
Summary: Tom has decided he wants to be a vampire like Bill, but Bill's not so sure it's a good idea. There could be consequences.
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Tags: category: slash, ch_story: be like you, fandom: jrock, fandom: tokio hotel, fictype: 10-30kwds, fictype: chaptered, genre: vampires, pairing: th - bill/gustav, pairing: xo - bill/gackt, person: gackt, rating: r to nc17, series: das geschenk

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