Please come play, all fandoms welcome - it won't be as much fun with only two of us. I've written *looks at document and counts* 18 drabbles since yesterday so it's not too hard :). You could get your friends to give you prompts and stuff.
The idea is to sort of do an advent calendar type thing with one drabble/short fic per day from the 1st to the 24th of December. And if you're feeling up to it a chunkier fic for the 25th, but that's purely optional. They can be linked or seperate - it's totally up to you.
Now you don't have to write Christmas/Advent fics; the whole Advent thing is just a guideline and seasonal fics will be perfect as well. Write 24 fics about snow if you want to, or summer sun if your fandom happens to be Australian :). Think of this along the same lines as the Merry Month of Masturbation, but for December with full on smut if you like ::g::.
*gets down on knees and beg* *puppy dog eyes*
[Edit: Ooh I just checked and we have two members already - yay!]