Summarise/give vague clues to 10 of your fandoms in one sentence, then see who on your friendslist can guess each fandom.
[Edit2: here are the answers - thank you to all who played, it was fun]
1. Flowers and kittens and dark justice. Weiss Kreuz - Florists by day, assasins by night (I kid you not)
2. Robo suits and a really nasty infection from space. Virus Buster Serge - please join the fandom, there are so few of us :)
3. Pretty men who look like girls. Jrock/Moonchild - more crossdressers than a Dame Edna convention :)
4. Brotherly love and guns. Supernatural - the RPSers have the moral high ground in this fandom
5. Two guys, one girl, fast cars and keeping the world safe - one up on their predessors who kept Britian safe. New Professionals - shame it never had a second season
6. Is that a sword in your physics defying pocket or are you just pleased to see me? Highlander - can you believe where they managed to produce swords from.
7. Vampire clans hidden in plain sight. Kindred the Embraced - well I liked it
8. Y'know I'm sure the truth is around here somewhere in a manilla folder in the basement. X-files - what else? ;)
9. Aliens, lying schemeing alien girlfriends, a lost son and alien hand prints. Roswell - teen angst and aliens, what more could you ask for?
10. Who says world war 2 RAF uniforms are out of style? Torchwood/Dr Who - Captain Jack is god :).
All comments are screen :)
[Edit: P.S. I'm away this weekend so if I don't reply tonight I'll get to it Sunday evening]
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