"Who is Hyde?" I hear some of you enquiring.
"Glad you asked," I reply :).
I've shown you a couple of piccies of Hyde in the Moon Child entry, but he's so pretty and talented that I think he deserves more space.
He has released 3 solo albums (inside and outside of Japan) and I heartily recommend FAITH and ROENTGEN, and I'm sure 666 is just as good, but I haven't listened to it yet so I can't say.
He's also the vocalist for L'Arc~en~Ciel who I'm very sorry I know little to nothing about yet so I can't say much :).
He can act and he's been in Moon Child and Last Quarter. *points up* The piccie with the long hair and long coat is from that, or rather it's from the vid for Cape of Storms which is a song from the movie in which Hyde plays Adam who is a rock star. You have the whole vid within a movie going on which is why he looks the same in both.
He's also a Harry Potter fan so that has to earn him lots of points, right? :)
[Edit: Had to add this in -

If you want more info then