- Mon, 17:45: Il Sangue del Mio Cuore - Ch8 by beren - #M�neskin (Band) https://t.co/XOu7XasVV2 via @ao3org #vampire #fanfiction ot4 Updates daily https://t.co/0eGicjnpOu
- Mon, 20:55: RT @Pochiperpe: Who’s the beautiful, brooding, man in Martin Eden? Meet Luca Marinelli https://t.co/RcrmdKRuwO
- Tue, 07:34: RT @PRVix: Joanna Lumley, for anyone who needs to read this today. https://t.co/4godGcbqNH
- Tue, 08:48: It is hard to wake up properly this morning - my brain feels like it is at half speed. Probably because I took yesterday off to sort out clothes with my lovely hubby (we finally have new wardrobes) and so I did not start the week with a bang 🤣 This was the to-donate pile. https://t.co/oJBqnDerF8
- Tue, 11:24: RT @ura_odgd: ろばすけさん主催のジョニキ・ユスニコ初夜アンソロジーのカバーを描きました。めちゃ
くちゃ楽しみ…!!!ノベルティは今描いてます!がんばるhttps://t.co/znxegufnwx https://t.co/daFhQbCWxT - Tue, 11:26: RT @moonlettuce: 100 Days of Luca Marinelli: Day 099 #TheOldGuard #LucaMarinelli https://t.co/oA4WGhvMe5
- Tue, 11:29: RT @unicorniens_: BELLISSIMI COME AL SOLITOOO😍😭 #maneskin https://t.co/7bn7RnNaMJ
- Tue, 11:55: I hate it when I get stuck writing the naughty bits. I have the beginning and ending of a scene, but the middle will just not flow. I do not want it feeling awkward. I know I will get there, but the in-between time is annoying! 🤣😜 #AmWriting https://t.co/6s7SH9FZAl
My tweets
All this social media stuff is hard work ...
I have just spent the morning re-doing my LinkedIn profile. Apparently lots of people use it these days so I decided to actually add some content.…
NEW RELEASE- The Machine: Rise of the Gifted
The Machine Rise of the Gifted by Natasha Duncan-Drake Men in black aren't usually associated with figure skating, but when MiBs try to…
Meme Time! The AO3 Meme, just because :)
I have 334 works on AO3 at the moment in lots of different fandoms. I really must get round to writing more. I'm pretty sure a lot of these results…
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