Beren (beren_writes) wrote,

Birthdays 12th - 18th Dec

So sorry for the tardy post - I've had a house full all weekend and today is my first day back online properly. I was hoping to be back to speed yesterday, but the M25 had other ideas.

Happy Birthday to:
12th: konniemacian,[personal profile] weber_dubois22, taradiane
13th: narcissa_malfoy, oconel/[personal profile] oconel, nymphadora17
14th: karenfb, titti/[personal profile] titti,cleolinda
16th: temaris/[personal profile] temaris, hitokuse
17th: eiranea, mary_from_mars
18th: jooniper_pearl/[personal profile] jooniper_pearl, xander_e_mage,[personal profile] george, punk_at_heart, davidbrider, dizzycat1usa

I hope you all have great birthdays and Many Happy Returns to every one of you.

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Tags: info: birthdays

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