Happy Birthday to:

I hope you all have great birthdays and Many Happy Returns to every one of you.
I have been lax in the last couple of weeks, sorry - I've been watching too much of the Olympics. Wow, our little nation came second in the medal table - amazing :) It's inspiring to see so many people from all over the world coming together to celebrate the best in sport.
I'm also madly trying to finish a novel I plan to serialise on Wattpad. It's vampire romance and based on an RPF fanfic I wrote ages ago, but I've changed all the main characters and added in a good five chapters, where each chapter is between 2 and 3K words. I intend to publish chapters weekly once I have it done. For anyone who wants to follow me, my Wattpad is here: NatashaDuncanDrake. Let me know who you are and I'll follow you back :).
This entry was originally posted at http://beren-writes.dreamwidth.org/353741.html.