- Mon, 16:25: RT @lilithepunk: Now I feel very old - Labyrinth is 30! Just one question, how did the worm tie his own scarf....? https://t.co/kqiqqMan1N
- Mon, 17:30: RT @POTUS: Every woman has a constitutional right to make her own reproductive choices. I'm pleased to see the Supreme Court reaffirm that…
- Mon, 17:53: RT @HiddlesArmy: This NEEDS to happen. #TomHiddleston #KennethBranagh #Shakespeare https://t.co/SwYfYZbe0U
- Mon, 17:54: RT @LitRejections: "I have never, not in 20 years, sold a book that didn't receive multiple rejections." | @jennybent | #quotes
- Mon, 18:46: RT @richardbranson: People voted to leave the EU based on falsehood & misinformation. Time for a second look: https://t.co/NDW6K2QAqu https…
- Mon, 22:57: RT @almurray: This thread. https://t.co/UHrq9dYCvy
- Tue, 07:49: The Sunday Times Short Story Award 2017: Entries Now Open for the World’s Richest Short Story Prize https://t.co/JO9KsfUxhn
- Tue, 07:54: For EU friends in the UK https://t.co/b4DnWH2Syc
- Tue, 07:57: My mother enjoyed Pride and Prejudice and Zombies - this is awesome news :) I told her to take it as P&P with a touch of romantic war story.
- Tue, 08:14: Just has an interesting moment with Twitter lists - it tried to add to lots of lists I didn't ask it to. I think my mouse is rebelling.
- Tue, 08:16: I hope you are well (even if we don't all agree on things) and enjoying the tennis.
- Tue, 09:16: RT @psthib: Does your book start too soon? #amwriting #writetip https://t.co/HNMp9jKNGW via @authorterryo
- Tue, 10:14: Tasha's Thinkings: Trying - Sometimes the Only Way - #TipsTuesdays 33 #books https://t.co/RLuzWMtBya
- Tue, 11:04: RT @GingerWhovian04: July 4th: 'Thor Ragnarok' starts filming. July 5th: 'I Saw The Light' comes out on dvd. Next week is gonna be a good o…
- Tue, 11:13: Good point well made. https://t.co/NIN9gmdf4q