Beren (beren_writes) wrote,

New Schedule - getting the writing urge back

 I have decided to use a schedule to organise myself and make me more disciplined. I wrote all about it on my Tasha's Thinkings blog today:
Time to Take the Random Out of Writing #WriterlyWednesdays 28

It seems to be working too. Yesterday I made myself follow the schedule and I turned out:
  • two blog posts,
  • half a new short story (that may worryingly turn into a novella if my brain has anything to say about it)
  • and managed to re-read all my current WiP novel so I can start writing it properly again today.
I also got on top of my social media and emails. This makes me happy.

It's working so far today too - I already have all my scheduled tweets done and ready to go and two blog posts done.

Looks like I'm going to have to swap things around a bit because, apparently, when I set my mind to it, I can churn out blog posts far faster than I thought I could :).

I'm thinking of adding fanfic writing into the schedule too, because I really want to get some more of that in and I have to finish the sequel to GTS asap.

For some reason my brain seems to fall into line much better if I make telling it to do things official by scheduling actual alarms on my PC, rather than just mentally telling myself I should do something. I always knew I worked better with deadlines, but I never realised it was quite this specific :).

Who knew something as simple as a few bells could make me do things ... oh yes, Pavlov! ;)

I have also rediscovered a show I used to watch back in the 90s and early 2000s - PSI Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal (back in the days when if a show didn't have a ':' in the title it was nothing ;)). Some eps are really bad, but it's still entertaining. Haven't got to season 2 yet, Rob and I are working our way through s1, which had a different format and was more about the cases than the characters. It's fun :).
Psi Factor Logo

Are you a deadline person - do you work better in a structured environment?
How many TV shows can you name with a ':' in the title?

This entry was originally posted at
Tags: fandom: harry potter, fandom: psi factor, info: social media, info: writing

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