Beren (beren_writes) wrote,

Meme Time! The AO3 Meme, just because :)

I have 334 works on AO3 at the moment in lots of different fandoms. I really must get round to writing more. I'm pretty sure a lot of these results are going to Harry Potter ... y'know, it's just a hunch :).

Top Five Hits
  1. Gold Tinted Spectacles | Harry Potter | Harry/Draco | Hits: 33402
  2. Angels and Devils | Harry Potter | Harry/Draco | Hits: 27631
  3. Faults for Fixing | X-Men: First Class (2011) | Erik/Charles | Hits: 18238
  4. Of All the Locked Rooms In All The World... | Teen Wolf (TV) | Sterek | Hits: 17972
  5. The Needs of the Few | Sherlock (TV) | John/Sherlock (vampires) | Hits: 11303

Top Five Kudos
  1. Of All the Locked Rooms In All The World... | Teen Wolf (TV) | Sterek | Kudos: 1148
  2. Angels and Devils | Harry Potter | Harry/Draco | Kudos: 1144
  3. Gold Tinted Spectacles | Harry Potter | Harry/Draco | Kudos: 601
  4. Faults for Fixing | X-Men: First Class (2011) | Erik/Charles | Kudos: 597
  5. Destiny Sucks | Teen Wolf (TV) | Sterek | Kudos: 543

Top Five Bookmarks
  1. Gold Tinted Spectacles | Harry Potter | Harry/Draco | Bookmarks: 257
  2. Angels and Devils | Harry Potter | Harry/Draco | Bookmarks: 234
  3. Faults for Fixing | X-Men: First Class (2011) | Erik/Charles | Bookmarks: 208
  4. Of All the Locked Rooms In All The World... | Teen Wolf (TV) | Sterek | Bookmarks: 205
  5. Black Magic by Moonlight | Harry Potter/Anita Blake Vampire Hunter | Harry/Draco, Antia/Various | Bookmarks: 204

Not a huge number of shocks in this meme :) Yay for fandom things on LJ. Come on all you fandom peeps, you know you want to do the meme...

This entry was originally posted at
Tags: info: fic stuff, type: meme

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