Beren (beren_writes) wrote,

AtoZ Day 10 - J is for...

AtoZChallenge 2015

The AtoZChallenge is a yearly blog fest where bloggers blog every day in April, apart from Sundays, using a letter of the day as inspiration, starting with A and moving through to Z. Some of us also have themes for the whole month.

This year Soph and I are blogging on 4 blogs, 1 personal blog each and 2 we are co-hosting.

  • Tasha's Thinkings - my theme this year is Fictional Deities and Demons
  • Sophie's Thought and Fumbles - Soph's theme this year is Emotions
  • Wittegen Press - our theme is 'why' and we are sharing the whys behind our books and giving away the book in question FREE for the day it is on the blog.
  • FB3X - our theme is colours and we are posting a drabble a day

Today's Posts

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Tags: info: a to z challenge

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